
By Faith and Rain, 22 February, 2024

Prayer is essential to the Christian faith, providing direct communication with God. Through prayer, Christians can express their gratitude, ask for guidance, forgiveness, and strength, and pray for others and the world.

The power of prayer is immeasurable, providing a sense of peace, comfort, and hope in difficult times.

In this post, we will explore the various things to pray for as Christians, including personal needs, guidance, forgiveness, the world, and gratitude.


By Faith and Rain, 22 February, 2024

A prayer is a powerful tool that many people used to connect with their faith, seek guidance, and find peace.

Prayer can take many forms, from silent meditation to spoken words, and can be practiced alone or with others. While prayer is a deeply personal practice, people use many items to enhance their prayer experience.

These items can help focus the mind, create a calming atmosphere, and bring a sense of comfort and connection to one’s faith.


By Faith and Rain, 22 February, 2024

Are you someone who prays often? Well, you're not alone. Many types of Christians make it a priority to connect with God through prayer. Prayer acts as a cornerstone for believers to establish a deep connection with God.

In biblical teachings, prayer is seen as a vital means of communication, reflection, and communion. Its significance is derived from the belief that prayer opens channels for divine intervention. Also, prayer brings forth comfort, healing, and spiritual growth.


By Faith and Rain, 22 February, 2024

Prayer is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, offering believers a way to communicate with and seek guidance from God.

While traditional prayer is often done individually or in church settings, numerous creative prayer activities can deepen one's spiritual connection and foster community.

This article will explore a list of creative prayer activities for Christians that can enhance their prayer life and provide unique worship experiences.


By Faith and Rain, 23 January, 2024

Prayer is an integral part of the Christian faith and holds immense power in the life of a church community.

It serves as a channel through which believers connect with God, seek His guidance, and intercede for the congregation's needs.

When we pray for our church, we actively participate in God's work, align ourselves with His purposes, and contribute to the spiritual growth and impact of the community.


By Faith and Rain, 23 January, 2024

Many Christians don’t realize the importance of daily prayer. It allows us to connect with God and to communicate our needs and desires.

Prayer also allows us to reflect on our day and to thank God for all the good things that have happened.

In addition, prayer can help us to deal with difficult situations. One of my favorite daily prayers is to give thanks to GOD for everything I have. Here are a few tips on daily prayer.

By Faith and Rain, 21 January, 2024

Most Christians are aware of Good Friday and Easter Holiday.

However, very few observe or know much about Maundy Thursday.

According to Wikipedia, Maundy (Holy) Thursday is also known as Holy Thursday or the Great and Holy Thursday.

In some countries, they know it as Covenant Thursday, Holy and Great Thursday, or the Thursday of Mysteries.

Many Christians know it as the Last Supper for Jesus before His death.

We observe the Last Supper of Jesus Christ on the last day of the Holy Week.


By Faith and Rain, 21 January, 2024

We all mess up sometimes. We do things we shouldn't, say we're sorry, and then sometimes make the same mistakes again. It's just a part of life. But what do the words "sorry" and "mistake" really mean? What happens when we mess up?

Is there a mistake so bad that it can't be forgiven? These are big questions that need careful thought. In this blog post, we'll take a close look at saying sorry, making mistakes, and how forgiveness works.

By Faith and Rain, 19 January, 2024

Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world. But where did it come from? And how did it evolve?

In this blog post, we will take a look at Christianity during the Roman Empire. We will explore how it grew and changed, and we will discuss some challenges that Christians faced during this period.

By Faith and Rain, 19 January, 2024

What can we learn from the birth of Jesus Christ story? The birth of Jesus Christ is a story that has been told for many years.

It's a story with deep meaning and significance, but it also tells us much about human nature.

For one thing, it shows how powerful women are in shaping the world around them - even if they don't always get the credit they deserve.

The birth of Jesus Christ also reminds us that hope is always possible. No matter how dark and difficult things might seem, there is always the potential for new life and new beginnings.