Faith Journaling Prompts: How to Grow Your Faith

By Faith and Rain, 9 January, 2024
An Asian woman reading her journal.

Do you want to grow your faith but don't know how? Faith journaling is a great way to do just that!

In this blog post, we will provide you with several faith journaling prompts to help get you started. Writing out your thoughts and feelings can be a great way to deepen your faith and connect with God.

We hope these prompts help you on your journey!

What are Faith Journaling Prompts?

Faith journaling prompts are questions or ideas that can help you to start writing in your faith journal. They can be about anything related to faith, such as prayer, Bible study, worship, etc.

-What are you grateful for today?

If something happened that changed your life, write it out in your journal. Explain how it changed your life and how you are grateful.

-What are some things that have been on your mind

For example, you wanted to learn more about the bible by doing online research. Write down what you learned and pray about it.

-What Bible verse spoke to you today?

If a bible verse is connected with an event, write down your experience. You can always go back and read about it in your journal.

-How did you feel during worship today?

While attending church, did you feel like it was missing something? This could be more information or maybe a lack of emotion. Write it down.

-What do you think God is saying to you through this experience?

If you experienced something odd or a miracle you can't explain, write it down. This could be God trying to connect with you.

Faith Journaling Prompts Ideas

Some faith journaling prompt ideas include:

What are you praying for?

If you have a family member that's sick and needs healing, this is a great topic to write about.

What are your thoughts on salvation/grace?

Your thoughts are important because this is how you become stronger in faith.

How is your relationship with God?

Write about your relationship with God and how things are going. This could be either good or bad depending on the situation.

What topics would you like to learn more about?

Topics that have been in the back of your mind are important to write down. It's easy to forget them with so much going on.

How has your faith changed recently?

Write about your faith and how it's becoming stronger or weaker. This is the best time to seek ways to improve your Christian faith.

Bible Journaling Prompts

If you're looking for Bible-based prompts, here are a few to get you started:

-What was your favorite bible story as a child?

Why did it resonate with you at the time? Did Noahs Ark seem magical in a way, write about it?

-What are some things that have been on your mind lately about the Bible?

For example, has there been a specific verse that's been sticking out to you?

-What is a book of the Bible that you're interested in learning more about?

Pick a book and do some research on it. Now use your own words to describe it and make it easy to understand.

-How do you think God feels about _____________ (fill in the blank)?

This could be anything such as divorce, war, or famine. Write out your thoughts and feelings on the matter.

-What do you think God is saying to you through this experience?

If you experienced something odd or a miracle you can't explain, write it down. This could be God trying to connect with you.

Prayer Journaling Prompts

If you're looking for prayer prompts, here are a few to get you started:

What are you grateful for today?

This is a great prompt to start with because it gets your mind in the right place. Gratitude leads to more blessings. Are you grateful for having a hard-to-get job or to have a happy family?

What are some things that have been on your mind lately?

For instance, will you ever get married? Why do bad things happen to good people?

What Bible verse spoke to you today?

If a bible verse is connected with an event, write down your experience. You can always go back and read about it in your journal.

How did you feel during worship today?

While attending church, did you feel like it was missing something. This could be more information or maybe a lack of emotion. Write it down.

What do you think God is saying to you through this experience?

If you experienced something odd or a miracle you can't explain, write it down. This could be God trying to connect with you.

Study Journaling Prompts

If you're looking for study prompts, here are a few to get you started:

-What is your favorite book of the Bible?

Why do you like it so much? What are some things that stand out to you in the book?

-The history of the bible moments that have impacted you?

For example, has there been a time when you read about David and Goliath and it made you feel brave? Or how about Daniel in the lion's den?

-What are your thoughts on salvation/grace?

Your thoughts are important because this is how you become stronger in faith. How does grace make you feel?

-How is your relationship with God?

Write about your relationship with God and how things are going. This could be either good or bad depending on the situation.

Worship Journaling Prompts

If you're looking for worship prompts, here are a few to get you started:

What song spoke to you today?

When listening to worship music, was there one specific song that resonated with you? Why did it touch your heart?

How did the sermon make you feel?

This is a great time to reflect on how it felt to place your worries aside for an hour and just focus on God. Did the sermon make you feel convicted in any way?

What was your favorite part of worship today?

It could be anything from the time spent singing to the sermon. Write down things that happened like singing with a fellow Christian or helping senior citizens. What spoke to you the most and why?

What did you pray for today?

This is a great way to keep track of the things you've been praying for. It also holds you accountable because you'll be able to see if your prayers have been answered.

What did God do for you today?

This is a great way to end your day and reflect on all the good things God has done for you. Whether it was something big or small it's important to write it in your faith journal.


So, there you have it! Some faith journaling prompts to help you grow your faith.

These are just a few examples, so feel free to come up with your ideas. Use these faith journaling prompts as a starter template until you build your own.

Make it exciting so you think about it all day and want to write more. Remember, the more you write, the stronger your faith will become.

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